All in Drinks

The Keto Dad's Nespresso Aeroccino Coffee

I love to start my day with a cup of coffee! But guess what - I eat Keto, but I rarely drink Fat Coffee!

A common mistake is to over-fat your coffee by adding MCT oil, coconut oil, butter, heavy cream… and suddenly you’ve got 40+ grams of fat in one cup! Don’t make that mistake!

Keto Chocolate Shakes

Who doesn't love a chocolate shake?!  This is a family favorite and definitely a hit with the kids!  The fact that they're Keto makes them even Better!  We'll drink these Chocolate Keto Shakes any time of the year.  Now that summer is coming, the kids will definitely be asking for them even more!

There's are other flavor options too in the Tips and Tricks section.  Enjoy!