the keto dad nick martinez easy keto and low carb recipes


Welcome to Simple Fun Keto, where we create amazing recipes for you and your Keto Family!  Make sure you check out our blog, How to Keto, and give the Ketones we love a test drive under Samples!

Packing Your Keto or Low Carb Lunchbox!

Packing Your Keto or Low Carb Lunchbox!

We've talked about a few of the delicious recipe options for Keto and Low Carb lunches.  Now, how do you pack them?!  There are all kinds of fancy Tupperwares, Thermos's and lunch boxes.  Here are just a few basic ways we get our kids off to school with lunch in their backpack.  And, the best thing is, I use the same ones!

I have TONS of links in here for Amazon to show you all the things we use.  Check it out!

Don't miss our Keto and Low Carb Snacks and our Lunch Ideas!

Grab a Lunch Bag!

You've got yourself a healthy lunch - now how are you going to get it to work or school?  There are a few basic ways to pack it - choose what fits your style best!

Keto and Low Carb Lunch Bag Unicorn Back to School

Soft Sided Lunch Bag

My 5yo Kindergartener thought this Unicorn lunch bag was amazing!  Amazon had a bunch of different options and at a good price.  It's spacious and definitely big enough to carry two Tupperwares and a water bottle.  It is soft sided, so if you're worried about the contents getting squished, maybe try out the next option below

There are designs for kids and adults!  Check out the link for option here -> Soft Sided Lunch Bag


Keto and Low Carb Structured Lunch Bag Back to School

Structured Lunch Bag

My wife loves taking this structured lunch bag when she works away from home.  She can shove it in her purse and not worry about the contents getting smashed!  

Any insulated bag will do, so grab one, add in an ice pack if you need, and pack up some great keto and low carb foods!


Lunch Brown Paper Bag Keto and Low Carb Lunch

Brown Paper Bag

The most basic option out there, the brown paper bag!  If all else fails, just grab a bag out of the pantry or cabinet and pack your food in here!  We usually have some around for art projects (they make the best puppets!), so if someone forgets their lunch bag at work or school, we have a backup option!

In a pinch, grab them on Amazon Here!

Pack Up Your Food!

So what do you put your actual food in?  We have a few options that we've tried out, ranging from our kitchen tupperware to plastic bags  Here are our favorites:

School lunch tupperware Keto and Low Carb Lunches

Kitchen Tupperware

Where do you store your leftovers?  Sometimes those little spill-proof Tupperwares you already have in your cabinet will work just fine!  They've gotten a lot of use and are easy to pack.  We have an assortment of sizes that will fit sandwiches, wraps, salads or sauces.  Just make sure whatever you use won't accidentally open and spill!

Here are the ones we have! -> Click here

School lunch container sistema keto and low carb

Sistema Containers 

I love this brand and I love that it's available both at Target and Amazon!  We've used their water bottles for years (see below) and now love their sizes for lunch containers.

We got three options for school lunches this year.  The first is a sandwich style that fits 90 second bread, wraps, or salads perfectly.  They seal well and the big tabs are easy for even my Kindergartener to open! 

School lunch containers keto and low carb lunches


The next option we got is a snack size, perfect for carrots, berries, celery and almond butter, or whips.  You could even do meat on one side and cheese on the other!  What do you send for snacks for your kiddos?  Link HERE


School Lunch Box Tupperware Keto and Low Carb lunches

The final Sistema lunch container we chose has sort of a snack and dip arrangement...but it also works great for just snacks like trail mix and strawberries as well.  I would warn you that I found the "dip" compartment isn't leak proof between the larger if you put a dressing in there, it might leak to the other side.  However, a thicker sauce or dip would probably be just fine (almond butter and celery sticks).  Check out this option at the Link HERE

Bentgo Containers

Lunch Bentgo Box Keto and Low Carb 1.jpg

If you're looking for the ultimate in lunch containers, Bentgo might be right for you!  These are a little more on the pricey side (so you don't want your kids to accidentally throw it away), but are great quality, can be spill proof, and actually look pretty cool!

Some of their popular versions are leak-proof and actually have all the compartments necessary...which means it doubles as a Tupperware and a lunch box!  Simply fill up the compartments and send your child on their way! Check it out

We ended up going with this Bentgo storage container for the adults that, while not spill proof, did offer multiples divided storage areas and a fork, spoon and knife!  This is the one we bought.

Lunch Box Water Bottle Sistema 1 Keto and Low Carb.jpg

Don't Forget the Water!

We love the simple twist top Sistema water bottles.  They fit perfectly in car seats, cup holders, and lunch bags.  My Kindergartener can easily refill hers and they are spill proof.  We probably have 5 or 6 in the house and keep a spare pair at the cabin!  They're a great price Here on Amazon!

We also love using Blender Bottles.  They're super durable, don't spill and can handle anything from ice water to our ketones!  We always have a couple on hand.  I love the 28oz bottles and Boss Babe loves the slightly smaller 20oz bottles!  

90 Second Bread!

90 Second Bread!

Easy Keto and Low Carb School Snacks!

Easy Keto and Low Carb School Snacks!